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  2. Product information
  3. Automotive parts

Automotive parts

We can propose vehicle development that meets the needs of various times, such as NV performance, heat management, and environmental friendliness.

We propose cost- and environment-friendly parts for interior/exterior and functional parts of mobility by reducing weight, improving heat insulation, and consolidating parts.

ProductsFlow from inquiry to delivery (⇒ Quotation)

  1. Please contact us with your request using the inquiry form. We also accept consultations at the stage when the requirements are not fixed.
  2. The person in charge will contact you.
  3. We will conduct a detailed hearing regarding your request. (Online correspondence is also possible.)
  4. We will prepare a proposal and estimate.
  5. If you are satisfied with the contents of the proposal and the estimate, we will carry out the contract procedure.

Contact Quotation/Inquiry/Consultation

For estimates, inquiries, and consultations
From the form below,
Please feel free to contact us
We can also meet online.